Rujukan Percutian (kerohanian)

  1. retreat Maksud yang diterima konteks ini adalah "tempat mencari ketenangan" atau lebih mudah difahami adalah percutian.
  2. Ibn Arabi (1981). Journey to the Lord of Power: A Sufi Manual on Retreat. Rabia Terry Harris (trans.). Inner Traditions. ISBN 978-0-89281-018-5
  3. What is a retreat? at
  4. 1 2 O'Malley, J W 1993, 'The First Jesuits', Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. hlm. 4
  5. Desert Living 2009, page 52
  6. O'Malley, J W 1993, 'The First Jesuits', Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. hlm. 129
  7. Reconnection - Retreat
  8. "Sufi Retreats and Khalwa". The Bright Path. Dicapai 23 Ogos 2015. 
  9. Kostiner, Assaf. "What is a Yoga Retreat?". RN. Dicapai 29 December 2014. The main purpose of a yoga retreat is to help one break away from the mechanical life and move into a space that helps to discover and reestablish oneself by growing mentally as well as physically. It releases one’s limitations, fears and takes to a world of new possibilities. The most eye-catching part about yoga retreats is its easy accessibility for all as it doesn’t restrain people on the basis of body type or age. It relieves a person from the stressful life without following any stringent meditation course, but by following a few Yoga Asanas in routine. 
  10. Evan, Molly (11 April 2014). Guide to Yoga. Bookpubber.